
El Estudio se caracterizó desde su inicio en el ámbito nacional como internacional por su especialidad en el derecho marítimo.
Asesora respecto de contratos de fletamento y transporte, joint ventures, slot charters, conflictos relativos a contratos, reclamos de carga por averías o faltantes y, en especial, en abordajes, otros accidentes, asistencia y salvamento de buques, averías gruesas y seguros marítimos.

A lo largo de los años prestó asistencia legal a los agentes marítimos y a capitanes y tripulantes de buques nacionales como extranjeros, en temas civiles, comerciales, laborales, criminales y aduaneros. Asesoró en cuestiones suscitadas con las autoridades migratorias.

Asistió a las entidades especializadas en financiamiento de la industria marítima para constituir y/o ejecutar hipotecas navales.

Interviene en embargos e interdicciones de salida de buques y asesora en la compra y venta de buques, financiación y constitución de garantías.

Presta servicios a empresas relacionadas con la industria pesquera, en sus relaciones con las autoridades (permisos de pesca).

El Estudio que brinda asesoramiento en el sistema integral del derecho privado posee jerarquizada experiencia para asesorar en todo lo atinente al derecho contractual y en el ámbito de la responsabilidad civil, sea del fabricante por productos elaborados, mala praxis en general, accidentes automotores, etc...

Nuestra actuación abarca el asesoramiento e intervención en asuntos de derechos reales como de familia, divorcios, liquidación de sociedades conyugales, sucesiones y adopciones.

Fernando R. Ray

Maritime, Corporate, Civil and Commercial Law and General Practice.
  • Graduated: Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Languages:Spanish, English
  • Email:

Fernando graduated as an attorney from the University of Buenos Aires with an Honor Diploma in 1987. He is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires [Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal]. He worked at the “Linares Quintana, Badeni y Gagliardo” Law Firm. In 1988, he joined the ·Edye, Roche de la Vega & Ray” Law Firm, where he works as an attorney and is a partner of the firm. He acts as arbitrator in domestic and international maritime disputes, lectures at seminars and conferences and has authored many papers on Maritime Law. He is a member of the Executive Council of the “Asociación Argentina de Derecho Marítimo”. Fernando has proven experience in Maritime, Corporate, Civil and Commercial Law and in General Practice.

José A. García

Maritime, Corporate, Notarial, Civil, Commercial and Labor Law and General Practice.
  • Graduated:Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Languages:Spanish, English

José earned his degree as attorney and notary public from the University of Buenos Aires in 1983. He is a member of the Bar Association of San Martín [Colegio de Abogados de San Martín] and an Honorary Member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires. He joined the “Edye, Roche, De la Vega & Ray” Law Firm in 1976 where he works as an attorney and is a partner of the firm. José has broad experience in Maritime, Corporate, Notarial, Civil, Commercial and Labor Law and in General Practice.

Alejandro J. Ray

Maritime, Aviation, Civil and Commercial Law and General Practice.
  • Graduated:Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Languages:Spanish, English

Alejandro graduated as an attorney from the University of Buenos Aires in 2001. He is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires. In 2002 he completed an internship at the New York office of the “Holland & Knight LLP” Law Firm. He joined the “Edye, Roche, De la Vega & Ray” Law Firm in 2003, where he works as an attorney and is a partner of the firm. He acted as assistant in the Maritime and Aviation Law Chair of Professor José D. Ray. Between 2017 and 2020, he was commercial aviation advisor to the Argentine Transport Ministry. Alejandro boasts vast experience in Maritime, Aviation, Civil and Commercial Law and in General Practice.

Francisco J. Ray

Maritime, Labor, Civil and Commercial Law and General Practice.
  • Graduated:Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Languages:Spanish, English

Francisco graduated as an attorney from the University of Buenos Aires in 2008. He is a member of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires. He earned a Graduate Degree in Maritime and Aviation Law from the same University. He worked for the “Marval, O´Farrell & Mairal”, “Bulló, Tassi, Lipera, Torassa & Estebenet”, and “López Saavedra, Armando, Esnaola y Vidal Raffo” Law Firms. In 2014, he joined the “Edye, Roche De la Vega & Ray” Law Firm, where he works as an attorney. He assists Professor Griselda Capaldo in her Navigation Law Chair. Francisco possesses broad experience in Maritime, Labor, Civil and Commercial Law and in General Practice.